Справка Collabora Office 24.04
The Events tab page, allows you to assign a macro to certain events which occur in a database form.
Чтобы связать событие с макросом, нужно сначала написать макрос, содержащий все команды, выполняемые при наступлении события. Затем следует назначить макрос соответствующему событию, нажав кнопку ... рядом с нужным событием. Откроется диалоговое окно Назначить макрос для выбора макроса.
Следующие действия можно настраивать отдельно, т.е. можно использовать собственные диалоговые окна для описания действия.
Отображение сообщения об ошибке.
Подтверждение процесса удаления (для записей).
Запрос параметров.
Проверка введённой информации при сохранении записи.
При удалении записи может появиться запрос подтвердить удаление, например, "Вы действительно хотите удалить пользователя Евгений?".
The events that are shown in the Events dialog cannot be edited directly. You can remove an event from the list by pressing the Del key.
Ниже перечислены и описаны все события формы, которые могут быть связаны с макросом:
The Before unloading event occurs before the form is unloaded; that is, separated from its data source.
The Before update event occurs before the control content changed by the user is written into the data source. The linked macro can, for example, prevent this action by returning FALSE.
The After update event occurs after the control content changed by the user has been written into the data source.
The Prior to reset event occurs before a form is reset. Returning True approves the reset, returning False cancels the operation.
Форма восстанавливается при выполнении одного из следующих условий.
Пользователь нажимает кнопку (HTML), являющуюся кнопкой восстановления.
При этом создаётся новая пустая запись в форме, связанной с источником данных. В последней записи, например, можно нажать кнопку Следующая запись.
The After resetting event occurs after a form has been reset.
The Before reloading event occurs before the form is reloaded. The data content has not yet been refreshed.
The Before submitting event occurs before the form data is sent. Returning True approves the submission, False stops it.
The Before record change event occurs before the current record pointer - SQL cursor - is changed. Return True when moving is allowed, otherwise False.
The Before record action event occurs before the current record or record set are changed. Return True when changing is allowed, otherwise False. For example, the linked macro can request confirmation in a dialog.
The Confirm deletion event occurs as soon as data has been deleted from the form. Return True to allow row deletion, False otherwise. For example, the linked macro can request confirmation in a dialog.
The After record change event occurs directly after the current record pointer has been changed.
The After record action event occurs directly after the current record has been changed.
The Error occurred event is activated if an error occurs when accessing the data source. This applies to forms, list boxes and combo boxes.
The When unloading event occurs directly after the form has been unloaded; that is, separated from its data source.
The When loading event occurs directly after the form has been loaded.
The Fill parameters event occurs when the form to be loaded has parameters that must be filled out. For example, the data source of the form can be the following SQL command:
SELECT * FROM address WHERE name=:name
Here :name is a parameter that must be filled out when loading. The parameter is automatically filled out from the parent form if possible. If the parameter cannot be filled out, this event is called and a linked macro can fill out the parameter. Return True when the execution of the parametrized statement should continue, False otherwise.
The When reloading event occurs directly after the form has been reloaded. The data content has already been refreshed.
Macros can interrupt event execution when they return a boolean value: True allows the execution of the event to continue and False stops the event execution.
The following events are interruptable by returning False:
Перед сохранением
Перед сменой записи
Перед подтверждением
Перед обновлением
Fill parameters