Распределить выделение

Distributes three or more selected objects evenly along the horizontal axis or the vertical axis. You can also evenly distribute the spacing between objects.

Доступ к этой команде

Select three or more objects and

Choose Shape - Distribute Selection (Collabora Office Draw).

Open context menu - choose Distribute Selection (Collabora Office Impress).

Icon Distribute


Объекты будут распределены относительно наиболее удалённых от центра объектов в выделении.

Original object distribution


Выбор способа распределения выделенных объектов по горизонтали.

Горизонтально лево

Distributes the selected objects, so that the left edges of the objects are evenly spaced from one another.

Object distribution horizontally left

Горизонтально центр

Distributes the selected objects, so that the horizontal centers of the objects are evenly spaced from one another.

Object distribution horizontally center

Горизонтально интервал

Distributes the selected objects horizontally, so that the objects are evenly spaced from one another.

Object distribution horizontally spaced evenly

Горизонтально право

Distributes the selected objects, so that the right edges of the objects are evenly spaced from one another.

Object distribution horizontally right


Выбор способа распределения выделенных объектов по вертикали.

Вертикально верх

Distributes the selected objects, so that the top edges of the objects are evenly spaced from one another.

Distribute objects vertically top

Вертикально середину

Distributes the selected objects, so that the vertical centers of the objects are evenly spaced from one another.

Distribute objects vertically center

Вертикально интервал

Distributes the selected objects vertically, so that the objects are evenly spaced from one another.

Object distribution horizontally spaced evenly

Вертикально низ

Distributes the selected objects, so that the bottom edges of the objects are evenly spaced from one another.

Distribute objects vertically bottom

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