MariaDB and MySQL Connection

Specifies the options for MariaDB and MySQL databases.

Direct Connection for MariaDB and MySQL databases

Database name

Enter the name of the MariaDB or MySQL database. Ask your database administrator for the correct name.

Server URL

Enter the URL for the database server. This is the name of the machine that runs the MariaDB or MySQL database. You can also replace hostname with the IP address of the server.


Enter the port number for the database server. Ask your database administrator for the correct port address. The default port number for MySQL or MariaDB databases is 3306.

Соединение через ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)

Connects to an existing ODBC data source that was set on a system level.

Соединение через JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)

Connects to an existing JDBC data source that was set on a system level.

The next wizard page depends on your choice of ODBC or JDBC:

Подключение к ODBC

Подключение к JDBC


Database Wizard

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