Справка Collabora Office 24.04
Instantiates a UNO service with the ProcessServiceManager, including supplemental optional arguments.
CreateUnoServiceWithArguments(ServiceName As String, Arguments() As Variant) As Object
UNO services that can be used with CreateUnoServiceWithArguments function are identifiable with method names that follow a createInstanceWith.. or createWith.. naming pattern.
ServiceName: The UNO service name to be created.
Arguments: One to many arguments that specify the instance of the service. Arguments are stored as a one dimensional array, according to their positions in the constructor method definition.
An instance of the given UNO service name, otherwise Null value.
For a list of available services, visit the com::sun::star Module reference page.
The com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.FilePicker example below displays a Save As dialog with two extra controls: a listbox and a checkbox.
Sub FileSaveAsDialog()
td = com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.TemplateDescription
dlg = CreateUnoServiceWithArguments( _
"com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.FilePicker", _
End Sub ' FileSaveAsDialog
UNO services have an extensive online documentation in the api.libreoffice.org website. Visit the FilePicker Service reference page to learn more about the methods provided by the service used in the example above.
The following code uses the service com.sun.star.security.DocumentDigitalSignatures to sign the current document:
Sub SignCurrentDocDialog
Dim pv(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
pv(0).Name = "StorageFormat"
pv(0).Value = "ZipFormat"
mode = com.sun.star.embed.ElementModes
sf = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.embed.StorageFactory")
storage = sf.createInstanceWithArguments(Array(ThisComponent.URL, mode.WRITE, pv))
dds = CreateUnoServiceWithArguments( _
"com.sun.star.security.DocumentDigitalSignatures", _
Array("1.2", True))
dds.signDocumentContent(storage, Null)
End Sub ' SignCurrentDocDialog
CreateWithVersion and createWithVersionAndValidSignature constructor methods in com.sun.star.security.DocumentDigitalSignatures UNO service indicate two different ways of instantiating this service with CreateUnoServiceWithArguments function.