Assinaturas digitais

Adiciona ou remove as assinaturas digitais do documento. Pode também utilizar esta caixa de diálogo para ver os certificados.

Para aceder a este comando...

From the menu bar:

Choose File - Digital Signatures - Digital Signatures.

Choose File - Properties - General tab, click Digital Signatures button.

Choose Tools - Macros - Digital Signature.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose File - Digital Signatures.

From toolbars:

Icon Digital Signature

Digital Signature

From the status bar:

Click the Signature field on the Status bar.

Sobre assinaturas digitais

You must save a file before you can apply a digital signature to the file.

You must save a file in OpenDocument format or OOXML format or export to PDF before you can apply an X509 digital signature to the file. You must save a file in OpenDocument format and have GnuPG installed on your system before you can apply an OpenPGP digital signature to the file.

The signature will be a XAdES signature for ODF and OOXML, PAdES signature for PDF.


Lista as assinaturas digitais do documento atual.

O ícone Assinado Ícone indica uma assinatura digital válida, enquanto que o ícone de ponto de exclamação Ícone indica uma assinatura digital inválida.

Consulte também Assinaturas digitais.

Ver certificado

Abre a caixa de diálogo Ver certificado.

Assinar documento

Abre a caixa de diálogo Selecionar certificado.


Removes the selected signature from the list. Removes all subsequent signatures as well, in case of PDF.

Start Certificate Manager

Opens the installed certificate manager of your system.

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