Ajuda do Collabora Office 24.04
Python standard output file is not available when running Python macros from input(), print(), repr() and str() are available from the Python shell.
... menu. Presenting the output of a module requires the Python interactive console. Features such asCollabora Office msgbox Python module proposes a msgbox() method that is illustrated in Creating Event Listeners and Creating a dialog handler example pages.
O Collabora Office Basic oferece as funções de E/S de ecrã InputBox(), Msgbox() e Print(). As alternativas Python existem a partir tanto do Collabora Office API Abstract Windowing Toolkit, quanto pelas chamadas para o BASIC do Python. Esta última oferece uma sintaxe intencionalmente similar ao BASIC, e utiliza um módulo Python junto com um módulo BASIC. Utiliza-se o API Scripting Framework para executar chamadas de função entre BASIC, BeanShell, JavaScript e Python.
MsgBox(txt, buttons=0, title=None)
InputBox(txt, title=None, default=None)
>>> import screen_io as ui
>>> reply = ui.InputBox('Please enter a phrase', title='Dear user', defaultValue="here..")
>>> rc = ui.MsgBox(reply, title="Confirmation of phrase")
>>> age = ui.InputBox('How old are you?', title="Hi")
>>> ui.Print(age)
Copy screen_io Python module in My macros within <UserProfile>/Scripts/python/pythonpath,
Copy uiScripts Basic module in My macros Standard Basic library,
Reinicie o Collabora Office
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
def MsgBox(prompt: str, buttons=0, title='LibreOffice') -> int:
""" Exibe uma caixa de diálogo contendo uma mensagem e retorna um valor. """
xScript = _getScript("_MsgBox")
res = xScript.invoke((prompt,buttons,title), (), ())
return res[0]
def InputBox(prompt: str, title='LibreOffice', defaultValue='') -> str:
""" Displays a prompt in a dialog box at which the user can enter text."""
xScript = _getScript("_InputBox")
res = xScript.invoke((prompt,title,defaultValue), (), ())
return res[0]
def Print(message: str):
"""Outputs the specified strings or numeric expressions in a dialog box."""
xScript = _getScript("_Print")
xScript.invoke((message,), (), ())
import uno
from com.sun.star.script.provider import XScript
def _getScript(script: str, library='Standard', module='uiScripts') -> XScript:
sm = uno.getComponentContext().ServiceManager
mspf = sm.createInstanceWithContext("com.sun.star.script.provider.MasterScriptProviderFactory", uno.getComponentContext())
scriptPro = mspf.createScriptProvider("")
scriptName = "vnd.sun.star.script:"+library+"."+module+"."+script+"?language=Basic&location=application"
xScript = scriptPro.getScript(scriptName)
return xScript
MsgBox and InputBox methods from the Basic service included in the ScriptForge libraries call directly their native Basic counterparts.
Option Explicit
Private Function _MsgBox( prompt As String, Optional buttons As Integer, _
Optional title As String ) As Integer
_MsgBox = MsgBox( prompt, buttons, title )
End Function
Private Function _InputBox( prompt As String, Optional title As String, _
Optional default As String) As String
_InputBox = InputBox( prompt, title, default )
End Function
Private Sub _Print( msg As String )
Print msg
End Sub
The Alternative Python Script Organizer (APSO) extension offers a msgbox() function out of its apso_utils module.