Collabora Office 24.04 Help
부울 OR을 사용하여 여러 개의 필터 조건을 연결하려면 필터 도구 모음에서 필터 탐색 아이콘을 클릭합니다. 필터 탐색 창이 나타납니다.
The filter conditions that have been set appear in the Filter navigator. As soon as a filter is set, you see a blank filter entry at the bottom of the Filter navigator . You can select this entry by clicking the word "Or". Once you have selected the blank filter entry, you can enter additional filter conditions in the form. These conditions are linked by Boolean OR to the previously defined conditions.
The context menu can be called for each entry in the Filter navigator. You can edit the filter conditions in this area directly as text. If you wish to check if a field has content or no content, you can select the filter conditions "empty" (SQL:"Is Null") or "not empty" (SQL: "Is not Null"). It is also possible to delete the entry by using the context menu.
필터 내비게이터에서 필터 상태를 끌어다가 놓거나, +Alt + 위쪽 방향키 또는 +Alt + 아래쪽 방향키를 이용하여 움직일 수 있습니다. 필터 상태를 복사하려면 키를 누른 채 끕니다.