Collabora Office 24.04 Help
다음 함수는 ASCII 또는 ANSI 코드 간에 문자열을 변환합니다.
문자열 식의 첫 번째 문자에 대한 ASCII(American Standard Code for Information Interchange) 값을 구합니다.
The Str function converts the contents of variables into a string. It handles numeric values, dates, strings and currency values.
Positive numbers are preceded by a blank space. Negative numbers are preceded by a minus sign.
For numeric values the string returned by the Str function is locale-independent. Hence the dot is used as the decimal separator when needed.
If a string is passed as argument, it is returned without any changes.
Dates are converted into locale-dependent strings.
Use the Val function to convert a string that represents a number into numeric data type.
The string passed to the Val function is locale-independent. This means that commas are interpreted as thousands separators and a dot is used as the decimal separator.