Collabora Office 24.04 ヘルプ
Load additional slide designs for your presentation.
Load additional page designs for your drawing.
Imports formatting styles from another document or template into the current document.
Displays the available slide design categories.
Displays the templates for the selected design category.
Shows or hides a preview of a selected master slide.
Some master slides may not contain visible text objects or drawing objects.
Displays the available page design categories.
Displays the pages designs for the selected design category.
Shows or hides a preview of a selected page design.
Some page designs may not contain visible text objects or drawing objects.
使用可能なテンプレートの範囲が一覧されます。範囲の項目をクリックすると、その内容が テンプレート に表示されます。
Replaces styles in the current document that have the same name as the styles you are loading. No warning message is given.
Only applied styles and modified styles are loaded from a document or template. The styles shown in the sidebar cannot be used as a guide.
読み込むスタイルが登録されているファイルを指定してから、開く をクリックします。
To save styles from a document as a template, use From File to load the styles to an empty document, then choose .