Collabora Office 24.04 ヘルプ
Sets the alignment options for the contents of the current cell, or the selected cells.
Select the horizontal alignment option that you want to apply to the cell contents.
標準 オプションを選択すると、数値は右揃えに、テキストは左揃えになります。
セルの内容 (数値またはテキスト) が、セルの可視領域を満たすまで繰り返されます。この機能は、行ブレークが入っているテキストでは動作しません。
Aligns contents evenly across the whole cell. Unlike Justified, it justifies the very last line of text, too.
Indents from the left edge of the cell by the amount that you enter.
Select the vertical alignment option that you want to apply to the cell contents.
Aligns the cell contents to the bottom of the cell.
Aligns the contents of the cell to the top and to the bottom cell borders.
Same as Justified, unless the text orientation is vertical. Then it behaves similarly, than horizontal Distributed setting, i.e. the very last line is justified, too.
Click in the dial to set the text orientation.
Enter the rotation angle from 0 to 360 for the text in the selected cell(s).
Specify the cell edge from which to write the rotated text.
セルの下縁を基準に傾ける: セルの下縁を基準に文字を外側に回転します。
セルの上縁を基準に傾ける: セルの上縁を基準に文字を外側に回転します。
テキストのみ傾ける: セル内でのみテキストを回転します。
This checkbox is only available if Asian language support is enabled and the text direction is set to vertical. Aligns Asian characters one below the other in the selected cell(s). If the cell contains more than one line of text, the lines are converted to text columns that are arranged from right to left. Western characters in the converted text are rotated 90 degrees to the right. Asian characters are not rotated.
Wraps text onto another line at the cell border. The number of lines depends on the width of the cell. To enter a manual line break, press +Enter in the cell.
Enables word hyphenation for text wrapping to the next line.