Collabora Office 24.04 ヘルプ
2 つの文字列の一方が、他方の文字列中のどの位置にあるかを返します。
Instr 関数からは、文字列の一致した位置が返されます。一致する部分がない場合は、0 が返されます。
InStr ([Start As Long,] String1 As String, String2 As String[, Compare]) As Integer
Start: A numeric expression that marks the position in a string where the search for the specified substring starts. If you omit this parameter, the search starts at the first character of the string. The minimum allowed value is 1. The maximum allowed value is 2,147,483,648.
String1: The string expression that you want to search.
String2: The string expression that you want to search for.
Compare: Optional numeric expression that defines the type of comparison. The value of this parameter can be 0 or 1. The default value of 1 specifies a text comparison that is not case-sensitive. The value of 0 specifies a binary comparison that is case-sensitive.
To avoid a run-time error, do not set the Compare parameter if the first optional parameter is omitted.
Sub ExamplePosition
Dim sInput As String
Dim iPos As Integer
sInput = "Office"
iPos = Instr(sInput,"c")
Print iPos
End Sub