For...Next Statement

Repeats the statements between the For...Next block a specified number of times.


For Statement diagram

For counter=start To end [Step step]
    [Exit For]
Next [counter]

For Each Statement diagram

  For Each item In list
  [Exit For]
  Next [item]


counter: Loop counter initially assigned the value to the right of the equal sign (start). Only numeric variables are valid. The loop counter increases or decreases according to the variable step until end is passed.

start: Numeric variable that defines the initial value at the beginning of the loop.

end: Numeric variable that defines the final value at the end of the loop.

step: Sets the value by which to increase or decrease the loop counter. If step is not specified, the loop counter is incremented by 1. In this case, end must be greater than start. If you want to decrease counter, end must be less than start, and step must be assigned a negative value.

For...Next ループでは、パラメーター群で指定する回数分だけ、ステートメントブロックの全コードが繰り返されます。

As the counter variable is decreased, Collabora Office Basic checks if the end value has been reached. As soon as the counter passes the end value, the loop automatically terminates.

For...Next ステートメントは、複数のものをネスト (入れ子化) することができます。Next ステートメントに続けて変数名を指定しない場合、各 Next は一番近くに存在する For ステートメントに対応づけられます。

増分値を0とすると、For から Next までの間にあるステートメントブロックが永続的に繰り返し実行され続けます。

When counting down the counter variable, Collabora Office Basic checks for overflow or underflow. The loop ends when counter exceeds end (positive Step value) or is less than end (negative Step value).

Exit For ステートメントを指定すると、ループは無条件に終了させられます。このステートメントは、For...Next ループの内部に記述する必要があります。この場合も、下記の例のように If...Then ステートメントを使って、終了条件を満たしているかの判定が行えます。

      If condition = True Then Exit For

In nested For...Next loops, if you exit a loop unconditionally with Exit For, only one loop is exited.


The following example uses two nested loops to sort a string array with 10 elements ( sEntry() ), that is filled with various contents:

Sub ExampleSort
Dim sEntry(9) As String
Dim iCount As Integer, iCount2 As Integer
Dim sTemp As String
    sEntry = Array("Jerry","Patty","Kurt","Thomas","Michael",_
    For iCount = 0 To 9
        For iCount2 = iCount + 1 To 9
            If sEntry(iCount) > sEntry(iCount2) Then
                sTemp = sEntry(iCount)
                sEntry(iCount) = sEntry(iCount2)
                sEntry(iCount2) = sTemp
            End If
        Next iCount2
    Next iCount
    For iCount = 0 To 9
        Print sEntry(iCount)
    Next iCount
End Sub

This explores the content of an array to display each item it contains.

  Sub list_iteration
      cutlery = Array("fork", "knife", "spoon")
      For Each item in cutlery
          Print item
      Next ' item
  End Sub
