Efni í stafrófsröð

Specify the format of the alphabetical index entries.

Til að nálgast þessa skipun...

Choose Insert - Table of Contents and Index - Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography - Entries tab (when Alphabetical Index is the selected type)


Select the level that you want to define.

Level "S" refers to the single letter headings that divide the index entries alphabetically. To enable these headings, select the Alphabetical delimiter check box in the Format area.

Uppbygging og snið

The Structure line defines how the entries in the index are composed. To change the appearance of an entry you can enter codes or text in the empty boxes on this line. You can also click in an empty box or on a code, and then click a code button.

Entry text (E)

Inserts the text of the selected entry.

Tab stop (T)

Inserts a tab stop. To add leader dots to the tab stop, select a character in the Fill character box. To change the position of the tab stop, enter a value in the Tab stop position box, or select the Align right check box.

Heading info (HI)

Inserts heading information such as heading number or heading contents. Click on the HI icon to select what information to display.

Page number (#)

Inserts the page number of the entry.


Applies the current settings to all levels without closing the dialog.


Specify a character style for the selected icon in the Structure.


Opens a dialog where you can edit the selected character style.


The next three options are available when the T icon is selected.


Select the tab leader that you want use.

Staða dálkhaka

Enter the distance to leave between the left page margin and the tab stop.

Jafna til hægri

Aligns the tab stop to the right page margin.


The next two options are available when the HI icon is selected.

Heading info

Select the heading information to include in the index entry.

Show up to level

Enter the maximum number of levels to show of the heading number. For example, select “3” to show up to three levels. If the heading number has fewer than three levels, then the actual number is shown.


Stafastíll fyrir aðalfærslur

Specify the formatting style for the main entries in the alphabetical index. To convert an index entry into a main entry, click in front of the index field in the document and then choose Edit - Index Entry.

Aðgreinir í stafrófsröðun

Uses the initial letters of the alphabetically arranged index entries as section headings.

Lyklar aðskildir með kommum

Arranges the index entries on the same line, separated by commas.

Staðsetning inndráttarmerkis í hlutfalli við inndráttarstig málsgreinastíls

Positions the tab stop relative to the "indent from left" value defined in the paragraph style selected on the Styles tab. Otherwise the tab stop is positioned relative to the left text margin.

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