Shortcut Keys (Collabora Office Calc Accessibility)

Refer also to the lists of shortcut keys for Collabora Office Calc and Collabora Office in general.

Táknmynd fyrir athugasemd

Sumir flýtilyklarnir gætu verið fráteknir í eitthvað annað í skjáborðsumhverfinu þínu. Flýtilyklar sem úthlutað er af skjáborðsumhverfinu geta ekki verði tiltækir fyrir Collabora Office. Séu slíkir árekstrar, reyndu þá annað hvort að úthluta nýjum lyklum fyrir Collabora Office, í Verkfæri - Sérsníða - Lyklaborð, eða að breyta þeim í skjáborðsumhverfinu.

Cell Selection Mode


In a text box that has a button to minimize the dialog, press F2 to enter the cell selection mode. Select any number of cells, then press F2 again to show the dialog.

In the cell selection mode, you can use the common navigation keys to select cells.

Controlling the Outline

You can use the keyboard in Outline:

Selecting a Drawing Object or a Graphic

  1. Choose View - Toolbars - Drawing to open the Drawing toolbar.

  2. Press F6 until the Drawing toolbar is selected.

  3. If the selection tool is active, press +Enter. This selects the first drawing object or graphic in the sheet.

  4. lykill

    Now you can use Tab to select the next drawing object or graphic and Shift+Tab to select the previous one.

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