Collabora Office 24.04 Bantuan
To prevent two words from being separated at the end of a line, hold down the
and the Shift key when you type a space between the words.Di Calc, Anda tidak bisa memasukkan ruang tanpa melanggar.
An example of a non-breaking hyphen is a company name such as A-Z. Obviously you would not want A- to appear at the end of a line and Z at the beginning of the next line. To solve this problem, press Shift++ minus sign. In other words, hold down the Shift and keys and press the minus key.
Untuk memasukkan tanda hubung, Anda dapat menemukan di bawah Perkakas - Koreksi Otomatis - Pilihan Koreksi Otomatis - Pilihan pilih Ganti garis hubung. Pilihan ini mengganti satu atau dua tanda hubung dalam kondisi tertentu dengan en-dash atau em-dash (lihat Pilihan Koreksi Otomatis).
Untuk penggantian tambahan lihat tabel penggantian di bawah Perkakas - Koreksi Otomatis - Pilihan Koreksi Otomatis- Ganti. Di sini anda dapat melakukan semisal mengganti pintasan secara otomatis dengan sebuah strip, bahakan di fonta lain.
To support automatic hyphenation by entering a soft hyphen inside a word yourself, use the keys +minus sign. The word is separated at this position when it is at the end of the line, even if automatic hyphenation for this paragraph is switched off.