Mendaftarkan dan Menghapus suatu Basis Data

Data from any database file can be registered to the installed instance of Collabora Office. To register means to tell Collabora Office where the data is located, how it is organized, how to get that data, and more. Once the database is registered, you can use the menu command View - Data source to access the data records from your text documents and spreadsheets.

Untuk registrasi berkas basis data yang ada:

  1. Pilih - Collabora Office Base - Basis Data.

  2. Klik Baru dan pilih berkas basis data.

Untuk menghapus basis data yang terdaftar dari Collabora Office

  1. Pilih - Collabora Office Base - Basis Data.

  2. Pilih berkas basis data dan klik Hapus.

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