Collabora Office 24.04 Súgó
A rendezett és rendezetlen listák számozási szimbólumainak, például számoknak vagy gömböcskéknek a behúzási, távolsági és igazítási beállításai.
In a selected text, choose
.In a selected text, choose
.On the
tab, long click on or list, select .On the
deck of panel, long click on or list, select .Select the type of list. Unordered with character bullet, unordered with graphics bullet, or ordered with a numbering scheme of your choice.
Select the character for the unordered list.
For ordered lists, select the value of first item of the list.
Select the color of the list characters for ordered and unordered lists. Color does not apply for lists with graphic bullets.
For ordered lists, set the text to display before and after the numbering scheme.
Enter the text to display before the numbering.
Enter the text to display after the numbering.
Set the size of the character and graphic bullets with respect to the paragraph font size.
Enter the width of the graphic bullet character.
Enter the height of the graphic bullet character.
Check this box to preserve the height-to-width ratio of the graphic bullet.
For character unordered and ordered lists, set the relative size of the list character. The relative size applies to the Before and After text as well.
Enter the distance from the left edge of the containing object to the start of all lines in the list.
Enter or select the width of the list element.
The combined total length of Before, After and the numbering characters may override the width setting.
Relatív a megelőző listaszinthez. A beírt érték hozzáadásra kerül az előző szinten ebben a mezőben lévő értékhez. A „Behúzás: 20 mm” az első szinten és „Behúzás: 10 mm” a második szinten 30 mm tényleges behúzást fog eredményezni a második szinten.
Select the alignment of the ordered list numbering contents inside the list Width setting.
Applies the modification to the whole slidepage.
Applies the modification to the selection.
Click to apply the modification to all slidespages that use the current master slidepage.