Creating Event Listeners

A párbeszédablakok, dokumentumok, űrlapok vagy grafikus vezérlők által kiváltott események makrókhoz kapcsolhatók, amit eseményvezérelt programozásnak nevezünk. Az események makrókhoz való kapcsolásának leggyakoribb módszere az Eszközök - Testreszabás menü Events lapja és a Párbeszédablak-szerkesztő vezérlő tulajdonságai panel az Eszközök - Makrók - Párbeszédablakok rendezése... menüből.

A grafikus tárgyak, billentyűzetbemenetek, egérmozgások és egyéb ember-gép interakciók UNO figyelőkkel vezérelhetők, amelyek figyelik a felhasználó viselkedését. A figyelők a makró hozzárendelések dinamikus programkód alternatívái. Annyi UNO-hallgatót hozhatunk létre, ahány eseményre figyelni szeretnénk. Egyetlen figyelő több felhasználói felületvezérlőt is kezelhet.

Creating an event listener

Listeners get attached to controls held in dialogs, as well as to document or form events. Listeners are also used when creating runtime dialogs or when adding controls to a dialog on the fly.

This example creates a listener for Button1 control of Dialog1 dialog in Standard library.


         # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
         from __future__ import unicode_literals
         import uno, unohelper
         from import XActionListener
         from import ActionEvent
         from import EventObject
         from \
             import OK, CANCEL
         import msgbox as util
         _MY_BUTTON =  "Button1"
         _MY_LABEL = 'Python listens..'
         _DLG_PROVIDER = ""
         def Main(*args):
             ui = createUnoDialog("Standard.Dialog1", embedded=True)
             ui.Title = "Python X[any]Listener"
             ctl = ui.getControl(_MY_BUTTON)
             ctl.Model.Label = _MY_LABEL
             act = ActionListener()
             rc = ui.execute()
             if rc == OK:
                 MsgBox("The user acknowledged the dialog.")
             elif rc == CANCEL:
                 MsgBox("The user canceled the dialog.")
             ui.dispose()  # ui.endExecute
         def createUnoDialog(libr_dlg: str, embedded=False):
             """ Create a Dialog from its location """
             smgr = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext().ServiceManager
             if embedded:
                 model = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
                 dp = smgr.createInstanceWithArguments(_DLG_PROVIDER, (model,))
                 location = "?location=document"
                 dp = smgr.createInstanceWithContext(_DLG_PROVIDER, ctx)
                 location = "?location=application"
             dlg = dp.createDialog(""+libr_dlg+location)
             return dlg
         class ActionListener(unohelper.Base, XActionListener):
             """ Listen to & count button clicks """
             def __init__(self):
                 self.count = 0
             def actionPerformed(self, evt: ActionEvent):
                 self.count = self.count + 1
                 if evt.Source.Model.Name == _MY_BUTTON:
                     evt.Source.Model.Label = _MY_LABEL+ str( self.count )
             def disposing(self, evt: EventObject):  # mandatory routine
         def MsgBox(txt: str):
             mb = util.MsgBox(uno.getComponentContext())
   , 0, "Python")
         g_exportedScripts = (Main,) in {installation}/program/ directory has some examples of button listeners.

Collabora Office Basickel

         Option Explicit
         Const MY_LIBRARY = "Standard", MY_DIALOG = "Dialog1", MY_BUTTON = "Button1"
         Const MY_LABEL = "Basic listens.."
         Dim count As Integer
         Sub Main
             Dim libr As Object '
             Dim dlg As Object
             Dim ui As Object  ' stardiv.Toolkit.UnoDialogControl
             Dim ctl As Object ' stardiv.Toolkit.UnoButtonControl
             Dim act As Object '
             Dim rc As Object : rc =
             libr = DialogLibraries.GetByName(MY_LIBRARY)
             dlg = libr.GetByName(MY_DIALOG)
             ui = CreateUnoDialog(dlg)
             ui.Title = "Basic X[any]Listener example"
             count = 0
             ctl = ui.GetControl(MY_BUTTON)
             ctl.Model.Label = MY_LABEL
             act = CreateUnoListener("awt_", "")
             Select Case ui.Execute
                 Case rc.OK : MsgBox "The user acknowledged the dialog.",, "Basic"
                 Case rc.CANCEL : MsgBox "The user canceled the dialog.",, "Basic"
             End Select
             ui.dispose ' ui.endExecute()
         End Sub
         Private Sub awt_actionPerformed(evt As
             ''' Listen to & count button clicks '''
             With evt.Source.Model
                 If .Name = MY_BUTTON Then
                     count = count + 1
                     .Label = MY_LABEL+Cstr(count)
                 End If
             End With
         End Sub ' awt_actionPerformed
         Private Sub awt_disposing(evt As ' mandatory Sub
             ' your code goes here
         End Sub ' awt_disposing

Más eseményhallgatók

Listeners are usually coded along with dialog opening. Numerous listener approaches are possible such as event handlers for dialogs or event monitors for documents or forms.

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