Automatski tekst

Creates, edits, or inserts AutoText. You can store formatted text, text with graphics, tables, and fields as AutoText. To quickly insert AutoText, type the shortcut for the AutoText in your document, and then press F3.


Možete odabrati strelicu do ikone Automatskog teksta kroz traku Umetni, a zatim odaberite automatski tekst koji biste željeli umetnuti.

To access this command...

From the menu bar:

Choose Tools - AutoText

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Insert - AutoText.

On the Insert menu of the Insert tab, choose AutoText.

From toolbars:

Icon AutoText


From the keyboard:

+ F3

KoriŔtenje automatskog teksta


DijaloŔki okvir Automatski tekst izlistava sve kategorije i unose.

Prikazivanje podsjetnika imena tijekom pisanja

Displays a suggestion for completing a word as a Help Tip after you type the first three letters of a word that matches an AutoText entry. To accept the suggestion, press Enter. If more than one AutoText entry matches the letters that you type, press +Tab to advance through the entries. For example, to insert dummy text, type "Dum", and then press Enter.

To display the list in reverse order, press +Shift+Tab.


Izlistava imena označenih unosa automatskog teksta. Imate li označeni tekst u dokumentu, unesite ime automatskog teksta, kliknite na Automatski tekst te odaberite Novo.


Prikazuje prečice za unose automatskog teksta. Stvarate li novi autototekst, unesite prečicu koju biste željeli koristiti za taj unos.

Okvir popisa

Izlistava kategorije automatskog teksta. Za prikaz automatskog teksta u kategoriji dvokliknite na kategoriju, ili odaberite znak plus (+) ispred kategorije. Za umetanje automatskog teksta u sadaŔnji dokument, odaberite unos sa liste te kliknite na Umetni.


Možete povlačiti i puŔtati automatski tekst iz jedne kategorije u drugu.


Umeće odabrani automatski tekst u sadaÅ”nji dokument.


If you insert an unformatted AutoText entry into a paragraph, the entry is formatted with the current paragraph style.


Closes the dialog and saves all changes.


Click to display additional AutoText commands, for example, to create a new AutoText entry from a text selection in the current document.


Creates a new AutoText entry from the selection that you made in the current document. The entry is added to the currently selected AutoText category. You must first enter a name before you see this command.

Novo (samo tekst)

Creates a new AutoText entry only from the text in the selection that you made in the current document. Graphics, tables and other objects are not included. You must first enter a name before you see this command.


Copies the selected AutoText to the clipboard.


Replaces the contents of the selected AutoText entry with the selection that was made in the current document.


Opens the Rename AutoText dialog, where you can change the name of the selected AutoText entry.


Deletes the selected element or elements after confirmation.


Opens the selected AutoText entry for editing in a separate document. Make the changes that you want, choose File - Save AutoText, and then choose File - Close.


Opens the Assign Macro dialog, where you attach a macro to the selected AutoText entry.

You can also use the macros that are linked to some of the provided AutoText entries in AutoText entries that you create. The AutoText entries must be created with the "text only" option. For example, insert the string <field:company> in an AutoText entry, and Collabora Office replaces the string with the contents of the corresponding database field.


Opens a dialog where you can select the 97/2000/XP Word document or template, containing the AutoText entries that you want to import.


Adds, renames, or deletes AutoText categories.

Uredi kategorije

Adds, renames, or deletes AutoText categories.


Displays the name of the selected AutoText category. To change the name of the category, type a new name, and then click Rename. To create a new category, type a name, and then click New.


Displays the current path to the directory where the selected AutoText category files are stored. If you are creating an AutoText category, select where you want to store the category files.


Creates a new AutoText category using the name that you entered in the Name box.


Changes the name of the selected AutoText category to the name that you enter in the Name box.

Popis odabira

Lists the existing AutoText categories and the corresponding paths.


Deletes the selected element or elements without requiring confirmation.


Opens the Edit Paths dialog, where you can select the directory to store AutoText.

To add a new path to an AutoText directory, click the Path button in the AutoText dialog.

Spremite veze relativno

Use this area to set the way Collabora Office inserts links to the AutoText directory.

Datotečni sustav

Links to AutoText directories on your computer are relative.


Links to files on the Internet are relative.

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