Collabora Office 24.04 Help
OznaÄava redak programa kao komentar
Rem Text
Text: Any text that serves as a comment.
Možete koristiti jednostruki navodnik umjesto Rem kljuÄne rijeÄi za indikaciju da je tekst komentar. Ovaj simbol se može ubaciti izravno desno od programskog koda, slijedi ga komentar.
You can use a space followed by the underline character _ as the last two characters of a line to continue the logical line on the next line. To continue comment lines, you must enter "Option Compatible" in the same Basic module.
Sub ExampleMid
Dim sVar As String
sVar = "Las Vegas"
Print Mid(sVar,3,5) ' Returns "s Veg"
REM Nothing occurs here
End Sub