Collabora Office 24.04 Help
Creates a new directory on a data medium.
MkDir path
path: Any string expression that specifies the name and path of the directory to be created. You can also use URL notation.
Ako staza do mape nije određena, mapa se kreira u trenutnoj mapi.
Sub ExampleFileIO
' Example for functions of the file organization
Const sFile1 As String = "file://c|/autoexec.bat"
Const sDir1 As String = "file://c|/Temp"
Const sSubDir1 As String ="Test"
Const sFile2 As String = "Copied.tmp"
Const sFile3 As String = "Renamed.tmp"
Dim sFile As String
sFile = sDir1 + "/" + sSubDir1
ChDir( sDir1 )
If Dir(sSubDir1,16)="" then ' Postoji li ova mapa ?
MkDir sSubDir1
MsgBox sFile,0,"kreiraj mapu"
End If
sFile = sFile + "/" + sFile2
FileCopy sFile1 , sFile
MsgBox fSysURL(CurDir()),0,"Current directory"
MsgBox sFile & Chr(13) & FileDateTime( sFile ),0,"Creation time"
MsgBox sFile & Chr(13)& FileLen( sFile ),0,"File length"
MsgBox sFile & Chr(13)& GetAttr( sFile ),0,"File attributes"
Name sFile As sDir1 + "/" + sSubDir1 + "/" + sFile3
' Preimenuj u istoj mapi
sFile = sDir1 + "/" + sSubDir1 + "/" + sFile3
SetAttr( sFile, 0 ) 'Izbrisi sve atribute
MsgBox sFile & Chr(13) & GetAttr( sFile ),0,"New file attributes"
Kill sFile
RmDir sDir1 + "/" + sSubDir1
End Sub
' Converts a system path in URL
Function fSysURL( fSysFp As String ) As String
Dim iPos As String
iPos = 1
iPos = Instr(iPos,fSysFp, getPathSeparator())
Do While iPos > 0
Mid( fSysFp, iPos , 1,"/")
iPos = Instr(iPos+1,fSysFp, getPathSeparator())
' the colon with DOS
iPos = Instr(1,fSysFp,":")
If iPos > 0 Then Mid( fSysFp, iPos , 1,"|")
fSysURL = "file://" & fSysFp
End Function