Axuda do Collabora Office 24.04
Insire un comentario arredor do texto, diapositiva de presentación, páxina de debuxo seleccionados ou na posición actual do cursor nunha folla de cálculo.
Choose Review - Insert Comment.
Choose Home - Insert Comment.
Choose Insert - Comment.
On a cell with no comment, choose Insert - Comment.
On a cell with existing comment, choose Sheet - Cell Comments - Edit Comment.
On a cell with no comment, choose Review - Comment.
On a cell with existing comment, choose Review - Edit Comment.
On a cell with existing comment, choose Edit Comment.
On a cell with no comment, choose Insert Comment.
To insert a comment in a cell: Command+OptionCtrl + Alt + M.
To edit a comment in a cell: Command+OptionCtrl + Alt + C.
Edit Comment
Insert Comment
Os comentarios de autores diferentes reciben cores diferentes. Escolla Collabora Office - PreferenciasFerramentas - Opcións - Collabora Office - Datos do usuario para inserir o seu nome de xeito que apareza como autoría do comentario.
Ao anexar un comentario a unha célula, aparece un texto explicativo onde pode escribir o seu texto. Un cadradiño na esquina superior dereita dunha cela marca a posición dun comentario. Para ver o comentario permanentemente, prema co botón dereito na cela e escolla Mostrar comentario .
Para cambiar as propiedades de obxecto dun comentario, como a cor de fondo, escolla Mostrar comentario, como indicado antes, e prema co botón dereito no comentario. Non prema dúas veces no texto!
Para editar un comentario mostra, prema dúas veces no texto do comentario. Para editar un comentario que non se mostra de forma permanente, botón dereito do rato na cela que contén o comentario, a continuación, escolla Editar comentario . Para especificar o formato do texto do comentario, faga clic co botón dereito do rato no texto do comentario en modo de edición.
Para cambiar a posición ou o tamaño dun comentario, arrastre un bordo ou esquina da caixa do comentario.
Para eliminar un comentario, prema co botón dereito na cela e, a continuación, escolla Eliminar comentario .
Tamén pode premer co botón dereito no nome dun comentario na xanela Navegador para escoller algunhas ordes de edición.
To set the printing options for comments in your spreadsheet, choose Format - Page Style, and then click the Sheet tab.
Use the command Insert - Comment or the key combination above to insert a comment anchor to the current slidepage. A colored comment box is shown at the top left corner, to enter the text of the comment. A small colored box - the anchor - in the top left of the slidepage contains the initials of the author name, followed by a sequential number. Click on the anchor to open or close the corresponding comment.
O nome do/a autor/a e a data e hora de creación do comentario aparecen na parte inferior da caixa do comentario.
A caixa do comentario contén un botón cunha frecha para abaixo. Prema na icona para abrir un menó con ordes para xestionar os comentarios.
Use the command Insert - Comment or the key combination above to insert a comment anchor to the current slidepage. A colored comment box is shown at the top left corner, to enter the text of the comment. A small colored box - the anchor - in the top left of the slidepage contains the initials of the author name, followed by a sequential number. Click on the anchor to open or close the corresponding comment.
O nome do/a autor/a e a data e hora de creación do comentario aparecen na parte inferior da caixa do comentario.
A caixa do comentario contén un botón cunha frecha para abaixo. Prema na icona para abrir un menó con ordes para xestionar os comentarios.
Use the command Insert - Comment or the Command+OptionCtrl+Alt+C key combination to insert a comment anchor at the current cursor position. A colored comment box is shown at the page margin, to enter the text of the comment. A line connects the anchor to the comment box. If a text range is selected, the comment is attached to the text range. The commented text range is shadowed.
Every user with write permission to the document can edit and delete comments of all authors. You can use the Command+OptionCtrl+Alt+C key combination to edit a comment at the current cursor position.
O nome do/a autor/a e a data e hora de creación do comentario aparecen na parte inferior da caixa do comentario.
A caixa do comentario contén un botón cunha frecha para abaixo. Prema na icona para abrir un menó con ordes para xestionar os comentarios.
In the Find & Replace dialog of text documents, you can select to include the comments texts in your searches.
Se o comentario dun documento de texto foi escrito por outra persoa, hai unha ordeResponder no menú de contexto. Esta orde insire un comentario novo adxacente ao comentario ao que se pretende responder. A áncora do comentario é a mesma para ambos os dous comentarios. Escriba o texto da súa resposta no novo comentario. Garde e envíe o seu texto aos demais autores, que poderán tamén engadir as súas respostas.
When the document has been reviewed and commented and requires your action in its contents, you can mark the comment Resolved or Unresolved. Open the comment context menu or click on the comment dropdown list to mark the Resolved checkbox. When you mark the comment resolved, the word Resolved is inserted under the date in the comment box. When marking unresolved, the word Resolved is removed.
You can toggle the display of all resolved comments in the document. Hidden resolved comments are not displayed in the page margin but are not deleted. You can display back all hidden comments. Choose and mark View - Resolved comments to display the resolved comments. Unmark to hide resolved comments. The default is to display all resolved comments.
When the cursor is inside a comment, you can press Command+OptionCtrl+Alt+Page Down to jump to the next comment, or press Command+OptionCtrl+Alt+Page Up to jump to the previous comment.
When the cursor is inside the normal text, press the above mentioned keys to jump to the next or previous comment anchor.
You can also open the Navigator to see a list of all comments. Right-click a comment name in the Navigator to edit or delete the comment.
Use View - Comments to show or hide all comments in spreadsheets.
Use View - Comments to show or hide all anchor comments on the top of the page.
Use View - Comments to show or hide all anchor comments on the top of the slide.
Use View - Comments or click on the Comment button on the right of the horizontal ruler to show or hide all comments.
You cannot print the comments of the slides.
You can choose to use the Notes view to write a page of notes for every slide.
You cannot print the comments of the drawing pages.
Comments are printed when they are made visible.
To change the printing option for comments for all your text documents, choose Collabora Office - PreferencesTools - Options - Collabora Office Writer - Print.