Conxelar filas ou columnas como cabeceiras

Se ten filas ou columnas longas de datos que se estenden alén da área visíbel da folla de cálculo, pode conxelar algunhas filas ou columnas, o que permite ver as columnas ou filas conxeladas mentres se despraza polo resto dos datos.

  1. Select the row below, or the column to the right of the row or column that you want to be in the frozen region. All rows above, or all columns to the left of the selection are frozen.

    To freeze both horizontally and vertically, select the cell that is below the row and to the right of the column that you want to freeze.

  2. Choose View - Freeze Rows and Columns.

    To deactivate, choose View - Freeze Rows and Columns again.

Icona Nota

If the area defined is to be scrollable, apply the View - Split Window command.

Icona Nota

If you want to print a certain row on all pages of a document, choose Format - Print ranges - Edit.

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