UNO Objects, Functions and Services

Functions, objects and services of Unified Network Objects (UNO).

Collabora Office Global Objects

StarDesktop object

The StarDesktop object represents Collabora Office application. Some routines or user interface objects such as current window can be used via StarDesktop.

Función GetDefaultContext

Devolve o contexto predefinido da fábrica de proceso de servizos, se existe. No caso contrario, devolve unha referencia nula.

GetProcessServiceManager Function

Devolve o ProcessServiceManager (central Uno ServiceManager).

GlobalScope specifier

To manage personal or shared library containers (Application Macros or My Macros) from within a document, use the GlobalScope specifier.

Active document Objects

The following objects can be used from the active document.

BasicLibraries Object

DialogLibraries Object

ThisComponent Object

ThisComponent represents the current document in Basic macros. It addresses the active component whose properties can be read and set, and whose methods can be called. Properties and methods available through ThisComponent depend on the document type.

ThisDatabaseDocument object

ThisDatabaseDocument addresses the active Base document whose properties can be read and set, and whose methods can be called.

ThisDatabaseDocument returns an object of type

UNO Methods

Use the following methods to manage or query Unified Network Objects (UNO).

Función CreateUnoDialog

Crea un obxecto Basic Uno que representa un control de caixa de diálogo durante a execución de Basic.

CreateUnoListener Function

Crea unha instancia Listener.

Función CreateUnoService

Instantiates a Uno service with the ProcessServiceManager.

CreateUnoServiceWithArguments Function

Instantiates a UNO service with the ProcessServiceManager, including supplemental optional arguments.

Función CreateUnoStruct

Creates an instance of a Uno structure type.

Función CreateUnoValue

Devolve un obxecto que representa un valor de tipo estrito referente ao sistema de tipos Uno.

EqualUnoObjects Function

Returns True if the two specified Basic variables represent the same Uno object instance.

Función HasUnoInterfaces

Comproba se un obxecto Uno de Basic soporta determinadas interfaces Uno.

Función IsUnoStruct

Devolve verdadeiro se o obxecto é unha estrutura Uno.

CreateObject Function

Creates a UNO object. On Windows, can also create OLE objects.

Este método crea instancias do tipo que se pasa como parámetro.


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