IPmt Function [VBA]

Calculates the periodic amortizement for an investment with regular payments and a constant interest rate.


This constant, function or object is enabled with the statement Option VBASupport 1 placed before the executable program code in a module.


IPmt(Rate as Double, Per as Double, NPer as Double, PV as Double, [FV as Variant], [Due as Variant])

Valor de retorno:



A taxa corresponde á taxa de xuro periódica.

Per is the period, for which the compound interest is calculated. Period=NPER if compound interest for the last period is calculated.

NPer é o número total de períodos durante os cales se paga a anualidade.

VP é o valor actual na secuencia de pagamentos.

FV (opcional) é o valor desexado (valor futuro) ao final dos períodos.

Due (optional) is the due date for the periodic payments.

0 - the payment is due at the end of the period;

1 - the payment is due at the beginning of the period.

Códigos de erro

5 Chamada de procedemento incorrecta


Sub ExampleIPmt
 Dim myIPmt As Double
 myIPmt = IPmt(0.05,5,7,15000)
 Print myIPmt ' returns -352.97 currency units. The compound interest during the fifth period (year) is 352.97 currency units.
End Sub

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