Collabora Office 24.04:n ohje
String luo merkkijonon tiettyä merkkiä toistaen tai ensimmäisestä merkkijonolausekkeen merkistä, joka välitetään funktiolle.
String (number As Long, {expression As Integer | character As String}) As String
merkkijono (String)
number: Numeric expression that indicates the number of characters to return in the string. The maximum allowed value of n is 2,147,483,648.
Expression: Numeric expression that defines the ASCII code for the character.
Character: Any single character used to build the return string, or any string of which only the first character will be used.
Sub ExampleString
Dim sText As String
sText = String(10,"A")
MsgBox sText
sText = String(10,65)
MsgBox sText
End Sub