Collabora Office 24.04:n ohje
Repeats the statements between the Do and the Loop statement while the condition is True or until the condition becomes True.
Do {While | Until} condition = True
' Do While: The statement block is repeated as long as the condition is true
' Do Until: The statement block is repeated as long as the condition is false
[Exit Do]
[Exit Do]
' Loop While: The statement block repeats as long as the condition is true
' Loop Until: The statement block repeats until the condition is true
Loop {While | Until} condition = True
The Do...Loop statement executes a loop as long as, or until, a certain condition is True. The condition for exiting the loop must be entered following either the Do or the Loop statement. The above examples are valid combinations.
condition: A comparison, numeric or Basic expression, that evaluates to either True or False.
statements: Statements that you want to repeat while or until a condition is True.
Exit Do-lausetta käytetään ehdottomaan silmukasta poistumiseen. Lauseen voi lisätä mihin vain lauseiden Do...Loop välille. Poistumisehdon voi määrittää myös käyttämällä If...Then -rakennetta seuraavaan tapaan:
If condition = True Then Exit Do
Sub ExampleDoLoop
Dim sFile As String
Dim sPath As String
sPath = "c:\"
sFile = Dir$( sPath ,22)
If sFile <> "" Then
MsgBox sFile
sFile = Dir$
Loop Until sFile = ""
End If
End Sub