Moves a numbered heading where the cursor is located, or selected headings, down one outline level. Moves a list paragraph where the cursor is located, or selected list paragraphs, down one list level.
Komando hau erabiltzeko...
Choose Format - List - DemoteOutline Level
Choose List - DemoteOutline Level
Fitxadun interfazetik:
On the Home menu of the Home tab, choose Demote Outline Level.
Fitxadun interfazetik:
Choose Home - Demote Outline Level.
OptionAlt + Shift + Right
Fitxadun interfazetik:
Choose Text - Demote Outline Level.
Jaitsi eskema-mailaJaitsi
The Demote Outline Level icon is on the Bullets and Numbering bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbered heading or a list paragraph.The Demote icon is on the Outline bar, which appears when working in the outline view. This function can also be called by pressing Alt+Shift+Right Arrow.