Templates in the Template Manager

El método recomendado para trabajar con las plantillas es hacerlo por medio del Gestor de plantillas y las órdenes del submenú Archivo ▸ Plantillas, Editar plantilla y Guardar como plantilla. Estas órdenes son suficientes para una gestión básica de las plantillas de Collabora Office.

This guide explains how the file system interacts with the Template Manager. This information is particularly useful if you want to manage directories directly, but still be coordinated with the Template Manager.

Trabajar con los archivos de las plantillas

El gestor de plantillas reconoce los archivos de las plantillas por medio de sus extensiones. Se reconocen las siguientes:




.ott .otm .oth .stw .dot .dotx


.ots .stc .xlt .xltm .xltx


.otp .pot .potm .potx .sti


.otg .std

For information about the meaning of the extensions see Filter Conversion.

Trabajar con los nombres de las plantillas

The Template Manager shows the Title field of a document as the Template Name. As long as the Title field is not empty, the filename has no consequences for the Template Name shown in the Template Manager. If the Title field is empty, the filename, without extension, is shown as the Template Name.


If two templates have the exact same entry in the Title field and belong to the same Category, then only one template appears in the Template Manager.

Titles are case-sensitive. For example, if one template in category My Templates has the title a4 and another has the title A4, then both templates appear in the Template Manager. If both templates have the title A4, then only one appears.

If templates have the same title, but belong to different categories, then all appear in the Template Manager. For example, if three templates have the title A4, and each template belongs to a different category, then all three templates appear with the Template Name A4.

You can edit the Title field by choosing File - Properties - Description. If you change the Title field, then the new title also appears as the Template Name in the Template Manager. Alternatively, if you use the Rename command in the context menu for a template, then the Title field of the template is changed to the new Template Name.

If you use the File - Save as Template dialog, then the name entered in that dialog is used as the filename and entered into the Title field. If you change the filename later, the template will still appear in the Template Manager according to the entry in the Title field.


El campo Título de una plantilla se incluye también como el campo Título de los documentos nuevos que se creen a partir de esta.

Controlar los archivos que aparecen en el gestor de plantillas

The Template Manager displays templates located in the directories defined in the Paths dialog for Templates. The dialog is found by choosing - Collabora Office - Paths, selecting Templates, and clicking Edit.

Rutas internas

The Internal Paths directories cannot be changed. They identify the location of the predefined templates. These templates are always shown in the Template Manager.

Rutas de usuario

The default setting for User Path is the template subdirectory in the user profile directory. La ubicación del directorio {perfil de usuario} se determina al momento de instalar Collabora Office. Consulte la sección Ubicación predeterminada en la página del wiki referente al perfil de usuario de LibreOffice para obtener más información sobre las localizaciones habituales del perfil de usuario en distintos sistemas operativos.

Templates in the directories specified in User Path and its subdirectories are shown in the Template Manager. Subdirectories within subdirectories are not recognized.

You can add additional directories to the User Path. There has to be at least one directory in User Path, but there are no limits on where it is located.


It is not a good idea to add a root Document directory, or other high-level directory, to your template User Path. All subdirectories in a User Path directory appear in the Template Manager as Categories.

If you have more than one directory in the User Path, then you must select which directory will be used to save a document as a template when the File - Save as Template command is used.

The Default button resets User Path to the initial setting when Collabora Office was installed.

Trabajar con las categorías

The names of subdirectories in the user-defined directories appear as Category names in the Template Manager. If you rename a category, the subdirectory continues to be used, with the new category name stored in groupuinames.xml in the selected Default Path.

When a Category is selected, then all templates in that subdirectory are shown in the Template Manager, if All Applications is the Filter selection.

A category can only show templates in its own subdirectory, with two exceptions.

Categories within a Category are not possible, because subdirectories within subdirectories are not recognized.

You can only rename and delete categories in the Default Path selected in the Edit Paths dialog.


If you delete a Category whose subdirectory is in the selected Default Path, then the subdirectory associated with the Category name and any files in the subdirectory are deleted.

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