Property Statement

Una propiedad, también conocida como campo o atributo, caracteriza un objeto o una información en concreto. Se pueden utilizar las propiedades para controlar el acceso a los datos. Es habitual incluir instrucciones al definir o leer las propiedades. El código puede variar de una sencila asignación a rutinas complejas dependientes del contexto. El uso de los descriptores de acceso Get, Let y Set permiten aplicar coherencia en las propiedades si fuese necesario.


Esta instrucción requiere la utilización de Option Compatible antes del código del programa en un módulo.


Property Get Statement diagram

         [Private | Public] Property Get name[char | As typename]
         End Property

Property Set Statement diagram

         [Private | Public] Property [Let | Set] name[char] [([Optional [ByRef | ByVal]]value[char | As typename])] [As typename]
         End Property


nombre: el nombre de la propiedad.

argumento: el valor que se transmitirá a la rutina establecedora Property.


Los establecedores Property a menudo utilizan un único argumento. También se aceptan argumentos múltiples.

argument fragment

argument fragment

      {[Optional [ByRef|ByVal]]|ParamArray} argument {{As typename|char}[ = expression]|[()]As Variant}

Optional: el argumento no es obligatorio.

ByRef: The argument is passed by reference. ByRef is the default.

ByVal: The argument is passed by value. Its value can be modified by the called routine.

char: carácter de declaración del Tipo.

typename: Primitive data type name. Library or module defined types can also be specified.

= expression: Specify a default value for the argument, matching its declared type. Optional is necessary for each argument specifying a default value.

ParamArray: Use ParamArray when the number of parameters is undetermined. A typical scenario is that of a Calc user-defined function. Using ParamArray should be limited to the last argument of a routine.


UsingParamArray or = expression require Option Compatible to be placed before the executable program code in a module.


When using Option VBASupport 1, Optional arguments with no default value (= expression) are initialized according to their data type, except if Variant.

typename fragment

primitive data types fragment

char fragment

type declaration characters

      { % | & | ! | # | $ | @ }


      Option Compatible
      Sub Main
          ProductName = "Office"
          Print ProductName ' muestra «Collabora Office»
      End Sub
      Private _office As String
      Property Get ProductName As String
          ProductName = _office
      End Property
      Property Let ProductName(value As String)
          _office = "Libre"& value
      End Property

In the absence of Property Let or Property Set, Property Get helps define protected information, which can not be accidently altered by a foreign module:

      Option Compatible
      Public Property Get PathDelimiter As String ' variable de solo lectura
          Static this As String
          If this = "" Then : Select Case GetGuiType()
              Case 1 : this = ";" ' Windows
              Case 4 : this = ":" ' Linux o macOS
              Case Else : Error 423 ' Property or method not defined: PathDelimiter
          End Select : End If
          PathDelimiter = this
      End Property ' PathDelimiter de solo lectura
      Sub Main
          PathDelimiter = "un enunciado" ' no hace nada
      End Sub

Use Let or Set when handling UNO services or class objects:

      Option Compatible
      Sub Main
          'Set anObject = CreateUnoService( "" )
          anObject = CreateUnoService( "" )
          Print anObject.SupportedServiceNames(0) ' displays ""
      End Sub
      Property Get anObject As Object
          Set anObject = _obj
      End Property
      Private _obj As Object
      'Property Set anObject(value As Object)
          'Set _obj = value.CurrentFrame
      'End Property
      Property Let anObject(value As Object)
          Set _obj = value.CurrentFrame
      End Property

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