Función CompatibilityMode()

CompatibilityMode() function controls or queries runtime mode. It affects all code executed after setting or resetting the runtime mode.


Utilice esta función con cautela; limítela a la conversión de documentos, por ejemplo.


      CompatibilityMode(Optional Enable As Boolean) As Boolean

Valor de retorno:

CompatibilityMode function always returns the mode that is active after its execution. That is, if called with an argument, it returns the new mode; if called without an argument, it returns the active mode without modifying it.


Enable: Sets or unsets new compatibility mode when the argument is present.


CompatibilityMode function relates to Option VBASupport 1, in which case it always returns True. It is unrelated to Option Compatible compiler directive.

Esta función puede coadyuvar o perjudicar las situaciones siguientes:


Dado un directorio NO vacío en file:///home/me/Test

      Sub RemoveDir

MsgBox CompatibilityMode() ' False

CompatibilityMode( True ) RmDir( "file:///home/me/Test" ) CompatibilityMode False

MsgBox CompatibilityMode ' False

End Sub

With CompatibilityMode( True ) the program raises an error, otherwise the Test directory and all its content is deleted.


Modificar el comportamiento de Dir

    Sub VBADirCommand
        CompatibilityMode( Enable := True )   ' Muestra también los archivos normales
        Entry$ = Dir( "file:///home/me/Tmp/*.*", 16 )
        Total$ = ""
        While Entry$ <> ""
            Total$ = Total$ + Entry$ + Chr$(13)
            Entry$ = Dir
        MsgBox Total$
        CompatibilityMode Enable := False ' Muestra directorios solamente
    End Sub

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