CBool Function

Converts an expression or a set of expressions into a boolean. An expression is composed of strings, numbers and operators. Comparison, logical or mathematical operators are allowed inside expressions.


CBool (expression As Variant) As Boolean

expression can be a number or a set of combined expressions.

Valor de retorno:



expression: A logical expression, a mathematical formula, a numeric expression or a set of expressions combined with operators. During expression evaluation logical operators take preceedence over comparison operators, which in turn take preceedence over mathematical operators.

The expression can be a number or mathematical formula. When equals to 0, False is returned, otherwise True is returned.

Multiple expressions such as expr1 [[{operator] expr2]..] can be combined. expr1 and expr2 can be any string or numeric expressions that you want to evaluate. CBool combines the expressions and returns either True or False. operator can be a mathematical operator, logical operator or comparison operator.

Códigos de error:

5 Llamada a procedimiento no válida


In the following examples, the CBool function evaluates a logical expression, a mathematical formula and the value that is returned by the Instr function. The function checks if the character "a" is found in the sentence that was entered by the user.

Sub ExampleCBool
    Print CBool( 1>2 Xor 44 ) ' computes to True
    Print CBool( expression := 15 /2 -7.5 ) ' displays False as expression equals 0
    txt = InputBox("Introduzca una frase breve:")
    ' Proof if the character "a" appears in the sentence.
    ' En vez de la línea de órdenes
    ' If Instr(Input, "a")<>0 Then...
    ' la función CBool se aplica de la forma siguiente:
    If CBool(Instr(txt, "a")) Then
        MsgBox "The character »a« appears in the sentence you entered!"
End Sub

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