Servicio ScriptForge.L10N

Este servicio proporciona una serie de métodos relacionados con la traducción de cadenas con un impacto mínimo en el código fuente del programa. Los métodos proporcionados por el servicio L10N pueden utilizarse principalmente para:


The acronym L10N stands for Localization and refers to a set of procedures for translating software to a specific country or region.

PO files have long been promoted in the free software community as a means to providing multilingual user interfaces. This is accomplished through the use of human-readable text files with a well defined structure that specifies, for any given language, the source language string and the localized string.

The main advantage of the PO format is dissociation of the programmer and the translator. PO files are independent text files, so the programmer can send POT template files to translators, who will then translate their contents and return the translated PO files for each supported language.


El servicio L10N se basa en la implementación de GNU de los archivos PO (objeto portátil). Para conocer más de este formato de archivo, visite la documentación de utilidades de GNU gettext: archivos PO (en inglés).

Este servicio implementa los métodos que se enumeran a continuación:


Note that the first two methods are used to build a set of translatable strings and export them to a POT file. However, it is not mandatory to create POT files using these methods. Since they are text files, the programmer could have created them using any text editor.

Invocación del servicio

Antes de utilizar el servicio L10N, es necesario cargar o importar la biblioteca ScriptForge:


• Para cargar la biblioteca ScriptForge que necesitan las macros de Basic se debe usar la siguiente declaración:

• Los scripts de Python necesitan importar el módulo scriptforge:
from scriptforge import CreateScriptService

There are several ways to invoke the L10N service using up to five optional arguments that specify the folder where PO files are stored, the locale and encoding to be used, as well as a fallback PO file and its encoding.


CreateScriptService("L10N", opt foldername: str, opt locale: str, encoding: str = "UTF-8", opt locale2: str, encoding2: str = "UTF-8"): svc

foldername: The folder containing the PO files. It must be expressed in the FileSystem.FileNaming notation.

locale: A string in the form "la-CO" (language-COUNTRY) or in the form "la" (language) only.

encoding: The character set to be used. The default encoding is "UTF-8".

locale2: A string specifying the fallback locale to be used in case the PO file corresponding to the locale defined the locale parameter does not exist. This parameter is expressed in the form "la-CO" (language-COUNTRY) or "la" (language) only.

encoding2: The character set of the fallback PO file corresponding to the locale2 argument. The default encoding is "UTF-8".


Para conocer más sobre los nombres de los conjuntos de caracteres, consulte la página Conjuntos de caracteres de la IANA (en inglés). Conviene saber que Collabora Office no admite todos los conjuntos de caracteres existentes.



The following example instantiates the L10N service without any optional arguments. This will only enable the AddText and ExportToPOTFile methods, which is useful for creating POT files.

      Dim myPO As Variant
      Set myPO = CreateScriptService("L10N")

The example below specifies the folder containing the PO files. Because the locale is not defined, the service instance will use the locale defined for the Collabora Office user interface, which is the same locale defined in the OfficeLocale property of the Platform service.

      Set myPO = CreateScriptService("L10N", "C:\myPOFiles")

The example above will result in an runtime error if the PO file corresponding to the OfficeLocale locale does not exist in the specified folder.

In the example below, the locale is explicitly defined to be Belgian French ("fr-BE"), hence the service will load the file "fr-BE.po" from the folder "C:\myPOFiles". If the file does not exist, an error will occur.

      Set myPO = CreateScriptService("L10N", "C:\myPOFiles", "fr-BE", "UTF-8")

To avoid errors, it is possible to specify a preferred and a fallback locale and encoding. The following example will first try to load the file "fr-BE.po" from the specified folder and if it does not exist, the file "en-US.po" will be loaded.

      Set myPO = CreateScriptService("L10N", "C:\myPOFiles", "fr-BE", "UTF-8", "en-US", "UTF-8")
Icono de consejo

PO files must be named in the form "la-CO.po" or "la.po", where "la" refers to the language and "CO" is the country. Some examples are: "en-US.po", "fr-BE.po" or "fr.po".

Es recomendable liberar recursos después del uso:

      Set myPO = myPO.Dispose()
En Python

Los ejemplos anteriores pueden expresarse en Python de la siguiente manera:

      from scriptforge import CreateScriptService
      myPO = CreateScriptService('L10N')

      myPO = CreateScriptService('L10N', r'C:\myPOFiles')

      myPO = CreateScriptService('L10N', r'C:\myPOFiles', 'fr-BE')

      myPO = CreateScriptService('L10N', r'C:\myPOFiles', 'fr-BE', 'UTF-8', 'en-US', 'UTF-8')
      myPO = myPO.Dispose()

Pueden coexistir varias instancias del servicio L10N. Sin embargo, cada ocurrencia debe utilizar un directorio distinto para sus archivos PO.



De solo lectura





La carpeta que contiene los archivos PO (vea la propiedad FileSystem.FileNaming para conocer la notación utilizada).



Una matriz indizada a partir de cero que enumera todos los nombres de base (sin la extensión «.po») de los archivos PO que se encuentren en la carpeta especificada en Folder.



The currently active language-COUNTRY combination. This property will be initially empty if the service was instantiated without any of the optional arguments.

Lista de métodos en el servicio L10N





Añade una entrada nueva en la lista de cadenas regionalizables. No debe existir aún.

El método devuelve True si se lleva a término correctamente.


svc.AddText(context: str = '', msgid: str = '', comment: str = ''): bool


context: The key to retrieve the translated string with the GetText method. This parameter has a default value of "".

msgid: The untranslated string, which is the text appearing in the program code. It must not be empty. The msgid becomes the key to retrieve the translated string via GetText method when context is empty.

The msgid string may contain any number of placeholders (%1 %2 %3 ...) for dynamically modifying the string at runtime.

comment: Optional comment to be added alongside the string to help translators.


El ejemplo a continuación crea un conjunto de cadenas en inglés:


      myPO.AddText(, "This is a string to be included in a POT file")
      myPO.AddText("CTX1", "A string with a context")
      myPO.AddText(, "Provide a String value", Comment := "Do not translate the word String")
En Python

      myPO.AddText(msgid = 'This is a string to be included in a POT file')
      myPO.AddText('CTX1', 'A string with a context')
      myPO.AddText(msgid = 'Provide a String value', comment = 'Do not translate the word String')


Extrae automáticamente las cadenas de un cuadro de diálogo y las añade a la lista de cadenas de texto regionalizables. Se extraen las cadenas siguientes:

El método devuelve True si se lleva a término correctamente.


The dialog from which strings will be extracted must not be open when the method is called.

When a L10N service instance is created from an existing PO file, use the GetTextsFromL10N method from the Dialog service to automatically load all translated strings into the dialog.


svc.AddTextsFromDialog(dialog: svc): bool


dialog: a Dialog service instance corresponding to the dialog from which strings will be extracted.


The following example extracts all strings from the dialog "MyDialog" stored in the "Standard" library and exports them to a POT file:


      oDlg = CreateScriptService("Dialog", "GlobalScope", "Standard", "MyDialog")
      myPO = CreateScriptService("L10N")
En Python

      dlg = CreateScriptService("Dialog", "GlobalScope", "Standard", "Dialog1")
      myPO = CreateScriptService("L10N")


Exporta un conjunto de cadenas no traducidas en un archivo POT.

To build a set of strings you can use either a succession of AddText method calls, or by a successful invocation of the L10N service with the foldername argument present. It is also possible to use a combination of both techniques.

El método devuelve True si se lleva a término correctamente.


svc.ExportToPOTFile(filename: str, header: str = '', encoding:str = 'UTF-8'): bool


filename: The full output file name in FileSystem.FileNaming notation.

header: los comentarios que se añadirán en la parte superior del archivo POT generado.

Do not include any leading "#" characters. If you want the header to be broken into multiple lines, insert escape sequences (\n) where relevant. A standard header will be added alongside the text specified in the header argument.

encoding: The character set to be used (Default = "UTF-8").


       ' Basic
       myPO.ExportToPOTFile("C:\myFile.pot", Header := "First line of the header\nSecond line of the header")

      # Python
      myPO.ExportToPOTFile('C:\myFile.pot', header = 'First line of the header\nSecond line of the header')

El archivo generado debe superar la orden msgfmt --check de este programa de GNU.


Gets the translated string corresponding to the given msgid argument.

Se puede definir una lista de argumentos para reemplazar los sustitutivos (%1, %2…) en la cadena.

Si no se encontrare ninguna cadena traducida, el método devolverá la cadena no traducida con los sustitutivos reemplazados por los argumentos especificados.


This method can be called either by the full name GetText or by the shortcut _ (a single underscore):

svc.GetText(msgid: str, args: any[0..*]): str

svc._(msgid: str, args: any[0..*]): str


In the ScriptForge library, all methods starting with the "_" character are reserved for internal use only. However, the shortcut _ used for GetText is the only exception to this rule, hence it can be safely used in Basic and Python scripts.


msgid: The untranslated string, which is the text appearing in the program code. It must not be empty. It may contain any number of placeholders (%1 %2 %3 ...) that can be used to dynamically insert text at runtime.

Besides using a single msgid string, this method also accepts the following formats:

args: Values to be inserted into the placeholders. Any variable type is allowed, however only strings, numbers and dates will be considered.



Consider the following code is running on a Collabora Office installation with locale set to "es-ES". Additionally, there is a file "es-ES.po" inside the specified folder that translates the string passed to the GetText method:

      myPO = CreateScriptService("L10N", "C:\myPOFiles\")
      myPO.GetText("Welcome %1! Hope you enjoy this program", "John")
      ' "¡Bienvenido John! Espero que disfrutes de este programa"
En Python

      myPO = CreateScriptService('L10N', r"C:\myPOFiles")
      myPO.GetText('Welcome %1! Hope you enjoy this program', 'John')
      # "¡Bienvenido John! Espero que disfrutes de este programa"

Todas las rutinas o identificadores BASIC de ScriptForge precedidas por guion bajo «_» están reservadas para uso interno. No deben utilizarse en macros BASIC o secuencias Python.

¡Necesitamos su ayuda!