Helpo de Collabora Office 24.04
Calls a subroutine that is indicated by a label inside a Sub or a Function. The statements following the label are executed until the next Return statement. Afterwards, the program continues with the statement that follows the GoSub statement.
GoSub label[:]
label: A line identifier indicating where to continue execution. The scope of a label in that of the routine it belongs to.
The GoSub statement calls a local subroutine indicated by a label from within a subroutine or a function. The name of the label must end with a colon (":").
Sub/Function foo
' statements
GoSub label
' statements
Exit Sub/Function
' statements
End Sub/Function
Se la programo renkontas ordonon Return sen antaŭa GoSub, Collabora Office Basic donas prieraran mesaĝon. Necesas Exit Sub aŭ Exit Function por certigi ke la programo eliras el la Sub aŭ Function antaŭ ol atingi la postan ordonon Return.
La jena ekzemplo montras la uzadon de GoSub kaj Return. Rulante dufoje sekcion de programo, la programo kalkulas la kvadratan radikon de du numeroj tajpitaj de la uzanto.
Sub ExampleGoSub
Dim iInputa As Single
Dim iInputb As Single
Dim iInputc As Single
iInputa = Int(InputBox("Tajpu la unuan numeron: ","NumberInput"))
iInputb = Int(InputBox("Tajpu la duan numeron: ","NumberInput"))
GoSub SquareRoot
Print "La kvadrata radiko de";iInputa;" estas";iInputc
GoSub SquareRoot
Print "La kvadrata radiko de";iInputb;" estas";iInputc
Exit Sub
End Sub