General Instructions for Collabora Office

Opening and Saving Documents and Templates

First Steps

Using Microsoft Office and Collabora Office

Turning off Automatic URL Recognition

Changing the Title of a Document

Saving Documents Automatically

Opening Documents

Opening and saving files on remote servers

Changing Your Working Directory

Saving Documents

Document Classification


Saving Documents in Other Formats

Opening documents saved in other formats

Viewing File Properties

Relative and Absolute Links

Protecting Contents in Collabora Office

Creating and Printing Labels and Business Cards

Printing Address Labels

Using Windows, Menus and Icons

Using Context Menus

Turning Extended Tips On and Off

Turning off Automatic URL Recognition

Showing, Docking and Hiding Windows

Adding Buttons to Toolbars

Using Toolbars

Navigation to Quickly Reach Objects

Navigator for Document Overview


Accessibility in Collabora Office

Shortcuts (Collabora Office Accessibility)

Copying Data by Drag and Drop or Menu Commands

Dragging and Dropping Within a Collabora Office Document

Drag-and-Drop With the Data Source View

Inserting Objects From the Gallery

Copying Graphics From the Gallery

Adding Graphics to the Gallery

Copying Graphics Between Documents

Copying Drawing Objects Into Other Documents

Copying Spreadsheet Areas to Text Documents

Inserting Data From Spreadsheets

Inserting Data From Text Documents

Inserting Special Characters

Data Sources

Working with databases in Collabora Office

Table Wizard

Query Wizard

Forms Wizard

Report Wizard

Database Overview

Registering an Address Book

Importing and Exporting Data in Base

Importing and Exporting Data in Text Format

Executing SQL Commands

Searching Tables and Form Documents

Searching With a Form Filter

Table Design

Adding a Command Button to a Document

Using and Editing Database Reports

Recording Changes (Revision Marking)

Recording and Displaying Changes

Accepting or Rejecting Changes

Comparing Versions of a Document

Merging Versions

Recording Changes

Protecting Changes

Version Management

Configuring and Modifying Collabora Office

Configuring Collabora Office

Adding Buttons to Toolbars

Sending Faxes and Configuring Collabora Office for Faxing

Changing Icon Size

Selecting Measurement Units

Creating and Changing Default and Custom Templates

Changing the Color of Text

Switching Between Insert Mode and Overwrite Mode


Inserting Charts

Editing Chart Titles

Editing Chart Axes

Adding Texture to Chart Bars

Editing Chart Legends


General Terminology

Internet Terminology

Languages Using Complex Text Layout

Inserting, Editing, Saving Bitmaps Images

Working with Groups

Printing faster with Reduced Data

Showing Navigation Pane of the Help

Turning Extended Tips On and Off

Saving Documents in Other Formats

Opening documents saved in other formats

Sending Documents as Email

Pasting Contents in Special Formats

Copying Formatting With the Clone Formatting Tool

Fontwork For Graphical Text Art

Protecting Contents in Collabora Office

Defining Graphics or Colors in the Background of Pages (Watermark)

Editing Hyperlinks

Inserting Hyperlinks

Editing Graphic Objects

Selecting the Document Language

Turning off Bullets and Numbering for Individual Paragraphs

Selecting the Maximum Printable Area on a Page

Printing in Black and White

Creating Round Corners

Adding Clickable Hotspots to Images

Inserting Non-breaking Spaces, Hyphens and Soft Hyphens

Versions and Build Numbers

Recording a Macro

Assigning Scripts in Collabora Office

Crash Report Tool

Integrating new UNO components

About Digital Signatures

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