Dragging-and-Dropping Within a Collabora Office Document

There are many options for moving or copying objects using drag-and-drop. Text sections, drawing objects, graphics, form controls, hyperlinks, cell ranges, and many more can be moved or copied with the mouse.

Note that the mouse pointer displays a plus sign when copying and an arrow when creating a link or hyperlink.

Mouse Pointer


Mouse pointer moving data


Mouse pointer copying data


Mouse pointer inserting link

Creating a link

If you press or Shift+ while releasing the mouse button, you can control whether the object is copied, moved, or a link is created.

Icon Drag Mode

If you drag objects out of the Navigator, you can specify in the sub-menu of the Navigator's Drag Mode icon whether to copy the object, insert it as a link or insert it as a hyperlink.


You can cancel a drag-and-drop operation in Collabora Office at any time by pressing the Esc key before releasing the mouse button.

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