Collabora Office 24.04 Help
Return a numeric value calculated by a combination of three colours (red, green and blue) and the alpha channel, in the RGBA colour system. The result depends on the colour system used by your computer.
COLOUR(Red; Green; Blue [; Alpha])
Red, Green and Blue – required arguments. The value for the red, green and blue components of the colour. The values must be between 0 and 255. Zero means no colour component and 255 means full colour component.
Alpha – optional argument. The value for the alpha channel or alpha composite. Alpha is a integer value between 0 and 255. The value of zero for alpha means the colour is fully transparent, whereas a value of 255 in the alpha channel gives a fully opaque colour.
COLOUR(255;255;255;1) returns 33554431
COLOUR(0;0;255;0) returns 255
COLOUR(0;0;255;255) returns 4278190335
COLOUR(0;0;400;0) returns Err:502 (Invalid argument) because the blue value is greater than 255.