Collabora Office 24.04 Help
Returns the Red component of the specified composite colour code.
Red (ColourNumber As Long)
ColourNumber: Long integer expression that specifies any composite colour code for which to return the Red component.
Under VBA compatibility mode (Option VBASupport 1), the function Red() is incompatible with VBA colours, when colour from previous call to function RGB [VBA] is passed.
The colour picker dialogue box details the red, green and blue components of a composite colour code, as well as its hexadecimal expression. Changing the colour of text and selecting Custom colour displays the colour picker dialogue box.
Sub ExampleColor
Dim lVar As Long
lVar = rgb(128,0,200)
MsgBox "The colour " & lVar & " consists of:" & Chr(13) &_
"red= " & red(lVar) & Chr(13)&_
"green= " & green(lVar) & Chr(13)&_
"blue= " & blue(lVar) & Chr(13), 64,"colours"
End Sub