Konverterer ethvert streng- eller ethvert numerisk udtryk til et stort heltal.
CLng (Udtryk som Variant) som Long
Expression: Any string or numeric expression that you want to convert. To convert a string expression, the number must be entered as normal text using the default number format of your Collabora Office locale settings. For instance, the number must be entered using a dot "." as the decimal point and a comma "," as the thousands separator (for instance 123,456.78) for the English locale setting.
Hvis Expression (Udtrykket) ligger uden fordet gyldige lange heltals-område mellem -2.147.483.648 og 2.147.483.647, returnerer Collabora Office Basic en overløbsfejl.
Denne funktion afrunder altid brøkdelen af et tal, til det nærmeste hele tal.
Numeric expressions are displayed according to Collabora Office locale settings:
Sub ExampleCountryConvert
MsgBox CDbl(1234.5678) ' 1234.5678
MsgBox CInt(1234.5678) ' 1235
MsgBox CLng(1234+5678) ' 6912
MsgBox CSng(1234.5678) ' 1234.567749023
MsgBox CDbl(udtryk := 5678.1234) ' 5678.1234
MsgBox CInt(expression := 5678.1234) ' 5678
MsgBox CLng(expression := 5678+1234) ' 6912
MsgBox CSng(udtryk := 5678.1234) ' 5678.123535156
End Sub