
Defineix les opcions de sintaxi de la fórmula per al Collabora Office Calc.

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Opcions de fórmula

Sintaxi de la fórmula

There are three options. Let's see it by example. In a sample spreadsheet there are two worksheets, Sheet1 and Sheet2. In A1 cell of Sheet1 there is a reference to C4 cell of Sheet2.

Utilitza els noms de les funcions en anglès

In Collabora Office Calc function names can be localized. By default, the check box is off, which means the localized function names are used. Checking this check box will swap localized function names with the English ones. This change takes effect in all of the following areas: formula input and display, function wizard, and formula tips. You can of course uncheck it to go back to the localized function names.


This option group lets you configure separators in your formula expressions. This comes in handy when, for instance, you want to separate your function parameters by commas (,) instead of semicolons (;).

Per exemple, en comptes de =SUMA(A1;B1;C1) podeu escriure =SUMA(A1,B1,C1).

Likewise, you can also change the column and row separators for in-line arrays. Previously, an in-line array used semicolons (;) as the column separators and the pipe symbols (|) as the row separators, so a typical in-line array expression looked like this for a 5 x 2 matrix array:


By changing the column separators to commas (,) and the row separators to semicolons (;), the same expression will look like this:


Configuració detallada de càlcul

Estableix les regles per a la conversió des de valors de cadenes a valors numèrics valors de cadena a referències de cel·les i valors de cadenes a valors de data i hora. Això afecta funcions integrades com INDIRECTE que pren una referència com a valor de cadena o funcions de data i hora que prenen arguments com a valors de cadena en formats locals o ISO 8601.

Torna a calcular en carregar el fitxer

Recalculating formulas can take significant time while loading very large files.

Excel 2007 i posteriors:

La càrrega d'un fitxer de full de càlcul gran pot trigar molt de temps. Si no necessiteu actualitzar les dades del full de càlcul gran immediatament podeu posposar el recalculació en un temps millor. El Collabora Office permet ajornar el recalculament dels fulls de càlcul de l'Excel 2007 (i superiors) per accelerar el temps de càrrega.

Full de càlcul ODF (no desat amb el Collabora Office):

Recent versions of Collabora Office caches spreadsheet formula results into its ODF file. This feature helps Collabora Office to recalculate a large ODF spreadsheet saved by Collabora Office faster.

For ODF spreadsheets saved by other programs, where such cached formula results may not exist, recalculation can be deferred to speedup file loading as with Excel 2007 files.

For the entries above the following choices are possible:


Collabora Office saved ODF spreadsheets will honor Never recalculate and Always recalculate options.

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