
A la pestanya Esdeveniments podeu enllaçar macros a esdeveniments que tenen lloc als camps de control d'un formulari.

When the event occurs, the linked macro will be called. To assign a macro to an event, press the ... button. The Assign Action dialog opens.

Per a accedir a aquesta ordre...

Open context menu of a selected form element - choose Control Properties - Events tab.

Open Form Design toolbar, click Control Properties icon - Events tab.

En funció del control hi ha disponibles diferents esdeveniments. A la pestanya Esdeveniments només es mostren els esdeveniments disponibles per al control i el context seleccionats.
Es defineixen els esdeveniments següents:

Aprova l'acció

This event takes place before an action is triggered by clicking the control. For example, clicking a "Submit" button initiates a send action; however, the actual "send" process is started only when the When initiating event occurs. The Approve action event allows you to kill the process. If the linked method sends back FALSE, When initiating will not be executed.

Executa l'acció

The Execute action event occurs when an action is started. For example, if you have a "Submit" button in your form, the send process represents the action to be initiated.


The Changed event takes place when the control loses the focus and the content of the control has changed since it lost the focus.

En modificar text

The Text modified event takes place if you enter or modify a text in an input field.

L'estat de l'element ha canviat

The Item status changed event takes place if the status of the control field has changed, for example, from checked to unchecked.

En rebre el focus

The When receiving focus event takes place if a control field receives the focus.

En perdre el focus

The When losing focus event takes place if a control field loses the focus.

En prémer una tecla

The Key pressed event occurs when the user presses any key while the control has the focus. This event may be linked to a macro for checking entries.

En deixar anar una tecla

The Key released event occurs when the user releases any key while the control has the focus.

El ratolí és dins

The Mouse inside event takes place if the mouse is inside the control field.

En moure el ratolí mentre es prem una tecla

The Mouse moved while key pressed event takes place when the mouse is dragged while a key is pressed. An example is when, during drag-and-drop, an additional key determines the mode (move or copy).

En moure el ratolí

The Mouse moved event occurs if the mouse moves over the control.

En prémer el botó del ratolí

The Mouse button pressed event occurs if the mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is on the control.

Icona de nota

Tingueu en compte que aquest esdeveniment també s'utilitza per notificar sol·licituds per a un menú contextual emergent al control.

En deixar anar el botó del ratolí

The Mouse button released event occurs if the mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is on the control.

El ratolí és fora

The Mouse outside event takes place when the mouse is outside the control field.

Abans d'actualitzar

The Before update event occurs before the control content changed by the user is written into the data source. The linked macro can, for example, prevent this action by returning FALSE.

Després d'actualitzar

The After update event occurs after the control content changed by the user has been written into the data source.

Abans de reinicialitzar

The Prior to reset event occurs before a form is reset. Returning True approves the reset, returning False cancels the operation.

Un formulari es reinicialitza si es compleix una de les condicions següents:

  1. L'usuari prem un botó (HTML) que està definit com a botó de reinicialització.

  2. Es crea un registre nou buit en un formulari que està enllaçat a una font de dades. Per exemple, a l'últim registre, es pot prémer Registre següent.

Després de reinicialitzar

The After resetting event occurs after a form has been reset.

Ens cal la vostra ajuda!