Ajuda del Collabora Office 24.04
CompatibilityMode() function controls or queries runtime mode. It affects all code executed after setting or resetting the runtime mode.
Use this feature with caution, limit it to document conversion for example.
CompatibilityMode(Optional Enable As Boolean) As Boolean
CompatibilityMode function always returns the mode that is active after its execution. That is, if called with an argument, it returns the new mode; if called without an argument, it returns the active mode without modifying it.
Enable: Sets or unsets new compatibility mode when the argument is present.
CompatibilityMode function relates to Option VBASupport 1, in which case it always returns True. It is unrelated to Option Compatible compiler directive.
This function may affect or help in the following situations:
Scoping of variables.
S'està executant l'ordre RmDir en mode VBA. En VBA només els directoris buits són suprimits per RmDir mentre que el Collabora Office Basic elimina un directori recursivament.
Changing behavior of Basic Dir command. The directory flag (16) for the Dir command means that only directories are returned in Collabora Office Basic, while in VBA normal files and directories are returned.
Color components calculation with the Red and Blue functions which are interchanged (The Green function is not affected).
Given a NOT empty directory at file:///home/me/Test
Sub RemoveDir
MsgBox CompatibilityMode() ' False
CompatibilityMode( True )
RmDir( "file:///home/me/Test" )
CompatibilityMode False
MsgBox CompatibilityMode ' False
End Sub
With CompatibilityMode( True ) the program raises an error, otherwise the Test directory and all its content is deleted.
Modificació del comportament de Dir
Sub VBADirCommand
CompatibilityMode( Enable := True ) ' Mostra també els fitxers normals
Entry$ = Dir( "file:///home/me/Tmp/*.*", 16 )
Total$ = ""
While Entry$ <> ""
Total$ = Total$ + Entry$ + Chr$(13)
Entry$ = Dir
MsgBox Total$
CompatibilityMode Enable := False ' Mostra només els directoris
End Sub