Ajuda del Collabora Office 24.04
Converteix qualsevol expressió numèrica o de cadena en un enter.
CInt (Expression As Variant) As Integer
If the argument is string, the function trims the leading white space; then it tries to recognize a number in following characters. The syntax below are recognized:
Decimal numbers (with optional leading sign) using decimal and group separators of locale configured in Collabora Office (group separators are accepted in any position), with optional exponential notation like "-12e+1" (where an optionally signed whole decimal number after e or E or d or D defines power of 10);
Octal numbers like "&Onnn...", where "nnn..." after "&O" or "&o" is sequence no longer than 11 digits, from 0 to 7, up to the next non-alphanumeric character;
Hexadecimal numbers like "&Hnnn...", where "nnn..." after "&H" or "&h" is sequence of characters up to the next non-alphanumeric character, and must be no longer than 8 digits, from 0 to 9, A to F, or a to f.
The rest of the string is ignored. If the string is not recognized, e.g. when after trimming leading whitespace it doesn't start with plus, minus, a decimal digit, or "&", or when the sequence after "&O" is longer than 11 characters or contains an alphabetic character, the numeric value of expression is 0.
Si l'argument és un error, el número d'error s'utilitza com a valor numèric de l'expressió.
If the argument is a date, number of days since 1899-12-30 (serial date) is used as numeric value of the expression. Time is represented as fraction of a day.
After calculating the numeric value of the expression, it is rounded to the nearest integer (if needed), and if the result is not between -32768 and 32767, Collabora Office Basic reports an overflow error. Otherwise, the result is returned.