Ajuda del Collabora Office 24.04
Retorna el component blau del codi de color compost especificat.
Blue (Color As Long)
Valor de color: expressió d'enter gran que indica qualsevol codi de color compost per al qual retornar el component blau.
Under VBA compatibility mode (Option VBASupport 1), the function Blue() is incompatible with VBA colors, when color from previous call to function RGB [VBA] is passed.
Sub ExampleColor
Dim lVar As Long
lVar = rgb(128,0,200)
MsgBox "El color " & lVar & " consta de:" & Chr(13) &_
"vermell= " & Red(lVar) & Chr(13)&_
"verd= " & Green(lVar) & Chr(13)&_
"blau= " & Blue(lVar) & Chr(13) , 64,"colors"
End Sub