Instructions for Using Collabora Office Writer
On the help page for Collabora Office general you can find instructions that are applicable to all modules, such as working with windows and menus, customizing Collabora Office, data sources, Gallery, and drag and drop.
If you want help with another module, switch to the help for that module with the combo box in the navigation area.
Entering and Formatting Text
Automatically Entering and Formatting Text
Using Styles, Numbering Pages, Using Fields
Editing Tables in Text
Images, Drawings, ClipArt, Fontwork
Table of Contents, Index
Headings, Types of Numbering
Headers, Footers, Footnotes
Editing Other Objects in Text
Spelling, Dictionaries, Hyphenation
Form Letters, Labels and Business Cards
Working with Documents
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Help content debug info:
This page is: /text/swriter/guide/main.xhp
Title is: Instructions for Using $[officename] Writer
Module is: WRITER
System is: null