About Fields

Fields are used for data that changes in a document, such as the current date or the total number of pages in a document.

Viewing Fields

Fields consist of a field name and the field content. To switch the field display between the field name or the field content, choose View - Field Names.

To display or hide field highlighting in a document, choose View - Field Shadings. To permanently disable this feature, choose Tools - Options - Collabora Office - Application Colors, and clear the check box in front of Field shadings.

To change the color of field shadings, choose Tools - Options - Collabora Office - Application Colors, locate the Field shadings option, and then select a different color in the Color setting box.

Field Properties

Most field types in a document, including database fields, store and display variable values.

The following field types execute an action when you click the field:

Field Type



Opens a dialog to insert the object corresponding to the placeholder, except for text placeholders. For text placeholders, click on the placeholder and type over it.

Insert Reference

Moves the mouse pointer to the reference.

Run macro

Runs a macro.

Input Field

Opens a dialog to edit the contents of the field.

Updating Fields

To update all of the fields in a document, press F9, or choose Edit - Select All, and then press F9.

To update a field that was inserted from a database, select the field, and then press F9.

Note Icon

Placeholders are not updated.

Querying User Data in Fields or Conditions

Adding Input Fields

Inserting a Fixed or Variable Date Field

Conditional Text

Conditional Text for Page Counts

Page Numbers