Adding Chapter Numbers to Captions

You can include chapter numbers in captions.

Ensure that the text in your document is organized by chapters, and that the chapter titles and, if you want, the section titles, use one of the predefined heading paragraph styles. You must also assign a numbering option to the heading paragraph styles.

  1. Select the item that you want to add a caption to.

  2. Choose Insert - Caption.

  3. Select a caption title from the Category box, and select a numbering style in the Numbering box.
    You also can enter a caption text in this dialog. If you want, enter text in the Caption box.

  4. Click Options.

  5. In the Level box, select the number of heading levels to include in the chapter number.

  6. Type the character that you want to separate the chapter number(s) from the caption number in the Separator box, and then click OK.

  7. In the Caption dialog, click OK.

Tip Icon

Collabora Office can automatically add a caption when you insert an object, graphic, or table. Choose Tools - Options - Collabora Office Writer - AutoCaption.