Insert Bookmark

Inserts a bookmark at the cursor position. You can then use the Navigator to quickly jump to the marked location at a later time. In an HTML document, bookmarks are converted to anchors that you can jump to from a hyperlink.

To access this command...

Choose Insert - Bookmark

Open Insert toolbar, click



To jump to a specific bookmark, press F5 to open the Navigator, click the plus sign (+) next to the Bookmark entry, and then double-click the bookmark.

You can also right-click the Page Number field at the left end of the Status Bar at the bottom of the document window, and then choose the bookmark that you want to jump to.


Type the name of the bookmark that you want to create. The lower list contains all of the bookmarks in the current document. To delete a bookmark, select it in the list, and then click Delete.

You cannot use the following characters in a bookmark name: / \ @ : * ? " ; , . #


To delete a bookmark, select the bookmark from the Insert Bookmark dialog and click the Delete button. No confirmation dialog will follow.