Online Update

Specifies some options for the automatic notification and downloading of online updates to Collabora Office.

To access this command...

Choose Tools - Options - Collabora Office - Online Update.

Check for updates automatically

Mark to check for online updates periodically, then select the time interval how often Collabora Office will check for online updates. Collabora Office will check once a day, week, or month, as soon as a working Internet connection is detected. If you connect to the Internet by a proxy server, set the proxy on Tools - Options - Internet - Proxy.

When an update is available, an icon in the menu bar displays some explaining text. Click the icon to proceed.

If you disable the check, the icon is removed from the menu bar.

Note Icon

Online Update is a module that can be selected or deselected to be installed. Choose the customized installation in the Setup of Collabora Office.

Every Day

A check will be performed once a day.

Every Week

A check will be performed once a week. This is the default setting.

Every Month

A check will be performed once a month.

Check now

A check will be performed now.

Download updates automatically

Enable the automatic download of updates to the specified folder.

Download destination

Displays the selected folder to store the downloaded files.


Click to select a folder to download the files.