
Defines how the connections to data sources are pooled.

The Connections facility allows you to stipulate that connections that are no longer needed are not deleted immediately, but are kept free for a certain period of time. If a new connection to the data source is needed in that period, the free connection can be used for this purpose.

To access this command...

Choose Tools - Options - Collabora Office Base - Connections.

Connection Pool

Connection pooling enabled

Specifies whether the chosen connections are pooled.

Drivers known in Collabora Office

Displays a list of defined drivers and connection data.

Current driver

The currently selected driver is displayed below the list.

Enable pooling for this driver

Select a driver from the list and mark the Enable pooling for this driver checkbox in order to pool its connection.

Timeout (seconds)

Defines the time in seconds after which a pooled connection is freed. The time can be anywhere between 30 and 600 seconds.